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Executive and Personal Assistants Training Course

Executive and Personal Assistants Training Course

This write up is going to be explaining everything that needs to be known regarding an executive and personal assistants training course. Its aim is to help businesses become leaders in their respective niches.

How a User Will Benefit from Course

There is no doubt that every personal assistant has vital roles to play in the growth and survival of his company. This is why an executive and personal assistants training course is rather beneficial. Some of its benefits to users are:

  • It will help to create that awareness in executives regarding what is always expected of them.
  • It gives participants the opportunity to learn from those that have risen to the top in their careers
  • It helps participants to develop the right management skills that will make them contribute their own quotas towards taking their respective companies to greater heights
  • It can serve as a career course for participants
  • It helps participants on the best ways to assume responsibilities in places where they work


Definition of Course


An executive and personal assistants training course helps to develop skills in a participant which will help him to attain goals that are pertaining to his career. It is a course which assists individuals who are taking personal assistant jobs on how they can fulfill the demands of such a role without any compromise.

Course Outline


There is no doubt that this is an impactful training that all personal assistants will be able to benefit from in one way or the other. This is perhaps due to the fact that its outline has been designed to ensure that the needs of users are met in all regards. Here is its outline:

  • Personal assistant training and instructional manuals which can be easily customized
  • Presentations on slides to aid better understanding of the subject matter
  • Job aids
  • Exercise files
  • Assessment tools for evaluation purposes
  • Assignment tools
  • And lots of other tools

Key Tips Relating To Course


This is a course which develops the needed skills in individuals by making them more effective in personal assistant jobs. It does this through the powerful and useful tips which it shares to its participants. Some of them are going to be briefly stated below.

  • It gives useful tips on how a personal assistant can be smart and organized
  • It reveals a proactive approach to handle such a role
  • It shares some of the most effective ways through which personal assistants should communicate
  • It exposes the secrets behind effective time management and how to apply such in the execution of your roles
  • It shares useful tips on the definition of such roles as well as expectations in terms of how such persons can contribute towards the achievement of company goals and objectives
  • Useful tips on how to make greater impacts in a company as an executive

Corporate Wide Internet Training provides high quality class-room training across South Africa (including Port Elizabeth, Bloemfontein, East London, Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban)

Executive and Personal Assistants Training Course

Executive and Personal Assistants Training Course

For timing of future events please see our calendar of events  Courses are held in all major centres across South Africa (including Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban, Port Elizabeth, Bloemfontein, East London) OR alternatively contact us for an INSTANT QUOTE

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