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Work-Life Balance Training Course

Work-Life Balance Training Course

This article will be revealing everything you need to know about a work-life balance training course.


How A User Will Benefit From The Course

It is not enough for an organization to have the right set of employees with the right skills. Businesses achieve their goals faster and easily when employees are highly concentrated at every given point in time. In other words, businesses perform optimally when their employees are able to establish a balance between their official and domestic lives. This is the reason why companies are doing everything possible to have their workers undergo a work-life balance training course. Below are some of the benefits that come with this course:


  • Participants will discover ways that will help them to maximize their time
  • Participants will end up becoming highly productive
  • Participants will be able to differentiate between important and unimportant activities
  • It can help to identify those variables that can influence the level of productivity of workers
  • Participants will be able to properly handle work-related stress.

Definition of Course


Work-life balance training course teaches employees and business owners the most effective ways to handle responsibilities both in the office and their respective homes. It helps participants to acquire knowledge on the most effective ways of having a balance between work and home life. This course is meant for business owners who are still asking the question of what is work life balance.


Course Outline


This is a course that has been able to make the difference for most business owners. This is because it affords them the opportunity to exercise their dominance in their respective niches. This is due to the fact that their employees will understand all that is expected of them at every given point in time. Some of the items in its course outline are:

  • Training manuals to aid in understanding of what is work life balance
  • Different PowerPoint slides on Work life balance tips
  • Tools for evaluation after each teaching series
  • Tools for pre-assignment
  • Reference card

Key Tips Relating To Course

Fortunately, any company can become a force to be reckoned with in its niche. This is because there are programs that have been designed to help employees and business owners with the most valuable work life balance tips. As little as these tips may sound, they are capable of turning a company around. Here are few tips offered in this course:

  • It shares tips on how participants can become better professionals by getting a perfect understanding of what work life balance is all about
  • It reveals tips on how participants will become more productive
  • It shares tips on how participants will become better time managers
  • It reveals tips on those factors that are capable of hindering the level of work – life balance of any individual
  • It shares tips on how participants can be fully useful to the family by revealing effective ways of dealing with work-related stress in their homes.





Corporate Wide Internet Training provides high quality class-room training across South Africa (including Port Elizabeth, Bloemfontein, East London, Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban)

Work-Life Balance Training Course

Work-Life Balance Training Course

For timing of future events please see our calendar of events  Courses are held in all major centres across South Africa (including Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban, Port Elizabeth, Bloemfontein, East London) OR alternatively contact us for an INSTANT QUOTE

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